Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Airbrush Action Ass Kickin' Airbrush Advice - Amazon

As a beginning airbrush artist I thought I would see and hear what an expert had for some tips.  While the tips he talks about are general information that everyone should know, but I know many forget the basics and need to be reminded of.  While he is talking and giving some great tips on paint, techniques and business he is creating a Kick Ass evil looking creature.  It is based on a previous work he did for a customer, but then with a simplified twist.  I am not sure if it was just my copy but the audio was a bit off in some places.  I would still recommend this video for someone looking for some general tips in starting their airbrush business.  He give some sound advise that we all need to remember when creating a business.  Also, you get to see how Cross Eyed creates this scary lip sewed shut creature.  

This DVD can be purchased via Amazon

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome to JRay Airbrush Blog

Hi and Welcome to all who are interested in Airbrush artwork, tools, artists and admires.

I have long admired airbrushed artwork.  First on T-Shirts, then paintings and now custom Auto/Bike works.  I have done some airbrushing in High School art class and loved it, but back then to own your own airbrush was very expensive.  I now have my own although a B brand I am happy to have one to get to practice and play with.  Enough rambling.. Now to let you know what my blog will be about.

Some things I plan to talk about and explore:
1. My adventure into learning airbrushing
2. Featuring other Airbrush Artist's artwork
3. Airbrush brushes, compressors, paint, tools, etc.
4. Who knows what else I will come in contact with to share with you all...

I look forward to sharing, learning and any comments.  If you have some awesome artwork or know some let me know!
